Blogs and Free Resources

Here at PESI, our mission is to provide professionals like you with FREE practical and valuable tools, strategies, and resources to assist with the great work you do. Find expert tips, helpful worksheets, demonstration videos, CE, news, and more here. Happy learning!
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Lion Breathing

Melt stress and tension from your face

For all the time we spend stretching our body, how often do we pause to stretch our face? With Lion Breathing you can quickly and easily relieve stress and tension by stretching your face.


MBSR-T Interventions: Pleasant Life Moments & Events Calendar

Learn how Gina Biegel uses Pleasant Life Moments in her work with teens

In this video, Gina Biegel, creator of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens (MBSR-T), shares her Pleasant Life Moments and Pleasant Events Calendar interventions. They are powerful teen-focused mindfulness practices that draw awareness to the many positive moments and activities in daily life.


Before You Scroll, Try This Mindful Social Media Practice


We're all self-critical—but for teens, self-consciousness is hardwired. Here's how to become aware of the emotions we're courting on social media.


Instant Focus Booster

A mindful way to build resilience

Because coffee works best in moderation, you may need another way to shake, rattle, and roll those brain cells awake. Here is an all-natural way to boost your energy and mental focus through breathing.


Working Through Trauma with Yoga: Healing heart meditation


The Healing Heart Meditation allows us to bring ourselves to the awareness that joy is our natural birthright and our inherent nature. As we connect to our deepest self, we find the strength to let go of pain.


The Race to Right Here Right Now: Mindfulness as a key to lasting happiness


There are many ways to practice mindfulness, but you can download three favorite (and free!) mindfulness techniques developed especially for teens.


Positive Power: A strategy for behavioral challenges in children


Getting a child to follow directions can be difficult. But getting a child with oppositional, defiant or disruptive behavior to follow directions is a full time job. If you work with children that have challenging behaviors, try this easy-to-use Positive Power strategy presented by PESI speaker Jennifer Wilke-Deaton, MA, LPA.


Ha Kriya: A breathwork exercise

The leading voice in the children's yoga and mindfulness community, Jennifer Cohen Harper, MA, E-RCYT, presents her favorite way to empower the children she works with. This segment will show you how to prepare a child for challenging tasks using our most powerful tool: breath.


2 Games for Play Therapy Success

Game play not only relieves stress and boredom, but can help us connect with and explore our own and others feelings, thoughts, values, and attitudes. Here are two games for play therapy success...


The Vocabulary of Reading

No one can ever prepare a parent for the confusion that comes when their child appears to learn in a different way from other children. And sometimes, we forget that parents of our students may also be struggling to understand how to help their child. Read more and download a helpful worksheet for parents: The Vocabulary of Reading.


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