Susan Radzilowski, LMSW-C, ACSW, has practiced in mental health and educational environments for over 30 years. Susan holds a certificate in gender identity and clinical concerns. Susan was the founding co-chair of GLSEN SE Michigan and is a past member of the GLSEN National Advisory Committee. She has been a member of the NASW-Michigan Chapter Ethics Committee since 2010. Susan has published several articles on clinical and ethical issues of providing social work services to the transgender youth. Susan has a private practice in Michigan and is a part time faculty in the School of Social Work at The University of Michigan and at Wayne State University. She consults and trains on issues related to working with transgender youth for the Michigan Dept of Health and Human Services, the NASW, Michigan State University, Michigan Medicine, Wayne, The University of Michigan and with local school districts. Susan is the parent of a transgender adult who came out in 2005, at age 15. Her experience as a parent of a trans youth inspired her to shift her professional focus to working with transgender youth and facilities and training professionals to improve access to competent, compassionate care.


Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Susan Radzilowski maintains a private practice and has employment relationships with Michigan Medicine, the University of Michigan School of Social Work, and the Wayne State University School of Social Work. She receives a speaking honorarium, recording royalties, and consulting fee from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.

Non-financial: Susan Radzilowski serves on the NASW Michigan Chapter Ethics Committee (CEC).