Blogs and Free Resources

Here at PESI, our mission is to provide professionals like you with FREE practical and valuable tools, strategies, and resources to assist with the great work you do. Find expert tips, helpful worksheets, demonstration videos, CE, news, and more here. Happy learning!
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How to Adapt CBT and Mindfulness Skills for Young Clients

Seth J. Gillihan, PhD

Watch this video as Dr. Seth Gillihan, a psychologist and anxiety specialist, shares valuable insights on helping kids communicate their emotions, introducing them to CBT, and adapting CBT and mindfulness techniques for young clients.


Navigating the Path to Therapy: 5 Tips for Parents to Discuss Therapy with Their Child

Andrea Dorn, MSW, LISW-CP

For children, starting something new can be scary, and therapy is no exception. Mom and therapist Andrea Dorn has the tips for how to navigate this discussion with your children and teens!


The Basics of a Good Night’s Sleep for Kids and Teens with ADHD

Free infographic to help kids and teens with ADHD to sleep better.

Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA

Ari Tuckman, PsyD, shares why sleep deprivation can undo some of the benefits of medication and strategies to get back to sleep basics for kids and teens with ADHD.


Sunshine, Screen-time, and Serotonin: Creating a Balance for Healthy Bodies and Brains

Lauren Mosback, LPC

Screen-time for children is at an all-time high. It’s more important than ever to develop a balance in our kids’ routines—including adding more time out in the fresh air!


Top 5 Tips for Getting Kids Outdoors

Lauren Mosback, LPC

Lauren Mosback, LPC, NCC gives us her greatest tips on getting your kids away from the screens and out into nature!


Nature’s Hidden Gifts: The Health Benefits of Children’s Outdoor Play

Lauren Mosback, LPC

You know outdoor play is a good thing for your children—but do we know all the physical and mental benefits this wonderful activity can provide?


Whole Body Listening Is Not One-Size-Fits-All

Elizabeth A. Sautter, MA, CCC

Listening Larry is coming back to classrooms and therapy offices! But this time, you’ll see that listening isn’t a behavior to follow—it’s a process that we all do differently.


The 3 Rs of Anxiety Management for Children

A skill set for families that have a solid understanding of what anxiety is and isn't

Steve P. O'Brien, PsyD

Dr. Steve O’Brien provides therapists an accessible skill set for clients’ anxiety management—perfect for children, teens, and their caretakers alike.


12 Books for Addressing, Managing, and Overcoming Anxiety


We know anxiety is stressful, intrusive, and even all-consuming. But there are many effective ways to curb these feelings—and PESI’s got the guides (and card decks and flip charts and workbooks) to help you or your clients overcome anxiety!


Help Clients Prepare Their Relationship for the Back-to-School Transition

Tips and tools that your clients can use to navigate this transition

Tracy Dalgleish, CPsych

Whether your kids are young, entering high school or leaving for college, back to school is a chaotic, stressful, and exciting time. Dr. Tracy Dalgleish discusses the challenges of transition periods, why you need to build interdependence, and 3 tips for staying connected.


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